As Far As I Can Tell

Change of address is all the rage

It’s that time of year again when every other pickup truck you see has a mattress and a box spring in the back. When you update over half the entries in your address book and the occasion for parties is house warming. People are moving like crazy. Tens of thousands will be new to the city, replacing an equal amount leaving town forever with their newly minted degrees. August is a clean reboot for Kalamazoo, which makes it exciting even if your not changing anything yourself.

Things are changing around here though. Tomorrow Meredith comes back from her month long vacation in L.A. and a month after that she’ll be moving too. The K kids are always on the one month later schedule; still studying in June, still relaxing all September. She’ll be living with friends on Douglas St. and I’ll be holding down the firehouse by my lonesome. One room, one person — it might make more sense but it’ll be strange to get used to.

I dubbed this time that Meredith’s been gone as “The Most Productive Month Ever”, though I’m skeptical if it deserves that term. I have in fact been incredible busy, spending every spare moment working on projects and using my time to it’s fullest. It’s just that I haven’t gotten everything on my list done. Things always take longer than you estimate and I haven’t yet learned the rule about doubling the estimate for accuracy.

Nevertheless my main project, the Rocket Star website, is nearly complete. I expect a beta period this month still and a launch in early September. It’s one of those projects where I’ve taken so long to complete it that I feel nervous. I try to downplay expectations, if only to counteract those that the anticipation has built. This is the problem with building things for friends without a set timeline. It allows me to obsess over details that likely only I care about. Either way, it’s coming soon.

On a completely different note: I’ve been seriously overestimating the amount of anti-Semitism in rap music due to mistakenly hearing the word jewels as Jews. My bad.



As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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