As Far As I Can Tell

Team Crazy

Two days ago Dan, Dave, and Miguel left for Seattle on mopeds. It was to be the greatest moped journey ever attempted. Yesterday I drove 13 hours in my truck to pick them up in Chicago…and Madison. While they didn’t make it very far, they did make good time. Amazing time really, considering how packed out their mopeds were.

At some points US12 turns into full on highway, which I didn’t realize. Dan described being caught up in the wind-stream created by the semis and pulled along, adding 10 mph to his speed. That must of been wild.

I have a feeling that lessons have been learned, and it will be done again with greater success. Good try guys.

Team Crazy



Simon, it never ceased to amaze me what a good friend you truly are. Thanks for coming to get us and losing an entire day of work. And, yeah, I might still try a trip like that again some day … but using the lessons learned.

Posted by: miguel on July 11, 2003 11:48 AM

props to you for trying. fucking awesome. someday i’ll have a moped and we’ll ride as a foursome. jim p.s. simon. it always makes me smile when you say ” must of been” instead of “must have been”. *wink*

Posted by: jim on July 13, 2003 2:37 AM

As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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