As Far As I Can Tell

Micro Updates

I’ve added a new section to the sidebar on the right called Micro Updates. These short blubs about what I’m doing are updated via Twitter, and you can follow along there if you’d rather. It’s just another way to keep in touch since I don’t find the time to make proper posts very often.

Also, I’ve made a change to my email addresses that I’ve been meaning to share. For years I’ve had both my and accounts go to the same place. Now I’ve bifurcated them into two proper accounts and I’d like everyone to update their address books accordingly. If you want to get ahold of me for personal or professional reasons use the address. Use the address only for things related to Moped Army. Oh, and anyone still holding on to the address should switch since that one is nearly dead. This will really help me manage my inbox better, so thanks in advance.



As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

Also available via RSS.

Micro Updates