As Far As I Can Tell

I ♥ NY

This time last week I was on my way to New York City. I had an awesome weekend, but I haven’t had a moment since I got back to write about it. Meredith and I ate delicious food and soaked in the city even though it was a little too cold. We stayed at a perfectly central location, the Chelsea Inn near Union Square. On Saturday we walked everywhere in-between 14th St. and downtown, then took the subway up north and walked 50 more blocks south to the Empire State Building. In the middle of all that walking was shopping, eating, ice skating, gawking and realizing that I really do need to live in New York someday.

While I was sore from so much walking during the trip, Meredith is actually still in pain when she goes up steps. I have a reputation for walking too much whenever I travel. People still holding a grudge include Dan and Bill for Paris, and my mother for Berlin. I don�t feel bad for Paris, but turning around and seeing my mom panting for breath a block behind me was sort of a low point. I still think walking is the best way to see a city, but maybe I should hold off the excessiveness.

You should check out Meredith’s weblog post about the trip. She also put up some photos that I won’t bother duplicating here.

Dear gossip hounds,
Contrary to popular rumor this trip wasn’t some sort of prelude to marriage. Can’t two people go on a surprise romantic trip to NYC for Valentines Day and their 3rd anniversary without getting engaged? Sheesh.



Walking is the best way to view a city. Particularly, purposely getting lost and then walking your way back to places. When I first arrived in Chicago I basically walked around downtown trying to find a certain landmark or place, familiarizing myself with street names and such. Walking is the way to go.

Posted by: Naz on February 20, 2004 6:16 PM

It’s not so much the walking, but rather the intense speed of your steps. You may remember that when I walk with you and your brother I litererally have to jog to keep up, actual jogging.

Posted by: meredith on February 20, 2004 6:46 PM

Bullocks!! We ALL know that mopeding is the best way to see a city!

Posted by: Brendan on February 20, 2004 7:10 PM

As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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