As Far As I Can Tell

Omar wtih pie

Isaiah, Johanna, Casey :: Thanksgiving dinner

Omar and me

I seem to be doing nothing at work again. Everyone is excited about the move to the new building, but I don’t plan on being around too much longer�either by my will or theirs. It�s amazing how crazy you can go in 8 hours when your only job is to look busy enough to please people.

I keep content with This American Life, even when I have work to do. Since I only found out about it a few months ago I have tons of backlog to dig through, and it�s all great.

I�m listening to Kings of ConvenienceQuite Is The New Loud. It�s like a warm cup of hot chocolate during the rain.

Things you should see:

Photos from Sara of To Dream of Autumn.

On the night of Mr. Melvin�s Murder � a simple, yet wonderful illustrative mystery.

ovidovi has been redesigned.

neumu is always good check out independent web writing. This is mostly about music.



As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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