As Far As I Can Tell

Two mopeds were stolen today from the Deceptiplex. Someone that I know from Sturgis happened to find one of them ditched near his house and recognized the stickers on it, otherwise we probably wouldn’t even of known. There are really too many mopeds in one place over there. It’s almost thief season, schools are out in a week.

So we got one of them back, but after 5 hours of searching the rain forced us to stop our search for the other one unfulfilled and empty handed.

I got an email the other day from a writer for the New York Times inquiring about TCUP. She said that she’s doing a story about dreams on the internet and wanted more information. She hasn’t gotten back to me yet, but it’d be awesome to have a write-up in the Times.

I saw With a Friend Like Harry last night in Ann Arbor. It’s a French film about an everyday sort of family where the father stumbles into an old classmate in a bathroom who remembers him, a little too well. The father doesn’t really recall this “old friend”, but this guy is reciting poems that he had written and forgotten about years ago for the high school newspaper. Things get creepy and then people start dying.

It’s good to have a thriller break from the over produced special effects laden norm and be more physiological. Very Hitchcock.



As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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