As Far As I Can Tell

My brother the architect

Isaiah and Randy King, directly after Isaiah graduated from college

My brother Isaiah graduated today from the University of Michigan with an undergraduate degree from their architecture program. Along with the diploma he ranked top in his class and won numerous awards based on his projects, including first place in a prestigious contest earning him a huge cash prize and getting him a job offer. He’s worked ridiculously hard these last 4 years to get where he’s at, and deserves every bit of it. Good job Isaiah.

This last weekend was such a strange mix of emotions, going from a funeral home, to a rainy cemetery, to a graduation ceremony. I’m exhausted from it and emotional spent. Hundreds of people came to show their respect for my Grandma and our family. It was amazing to see how many lives she had touched — how many people one life can be connected to. I wish there was more I could do now for my Grandpa and Mom. They’ve spent every moment in the last year caring for Grandma. My Mom is so amazing for the way she’s taken care of both her parents as they need it. I can only hope to be that good of a son one day.

On a much lighter note I’m now in the final countdown until I leave for Europe. May is here, mushrooms will be growing, lilacs will be blooming, and mopeds will be ridden. I get to talk to Meredith on the phone tomorrow for the first time in nearly a week. It seems like so much longer than that.



Thanks Simon.

Posted by: Isaiah on May 3, 2004 3:54 PM

dude! top in his class! holy shit! it’s weird, i’ve never met isaiah but he looks OLDER in that picture. anyway, i fully approve of the northwestern purple of your color scheme right now. i hope to get to see you soon—are you going to the allied media conference this year? i mean, your truck could use some damage, right?

Posted by: jim on May 4, 2004 1:55 AM

Trust me, that’s all I’ve been hearing all weekend. I blame it on his height, and his facial hair. For the record, he’s 4 years younger than me. I don’t think I’m going to AMC this year, though I’m trying to talk myself back into it. I’ll be getting back from Europe just two days beforehand, and I don’t think I’ll be up for it. I’ve always had a good time there though, so we’ll see.

Posted by: Simon on May 4, 2004 8:55 AM

Way to go Ike!!! Yay!!! I can’t believe it!!! Man time flies! Last time I saw Ike he was a freshman at U of M and I about fainted when I saw how much he had grown THEN—about 3 feet! Hehe. Does he have a website up with any of his work? Maybe someday I’ll hire him to help me design my dream house. *grin* ruth celine smith

Posted by: celine on May 10, 2004 8:54 PM

As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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