As Far As I Can Tell

Winter Magic

Winter gave me a magical moment today, as it�s prone to do at least a few times per year. While driving I was held up by an Amtrak train. It blew the snow on the tracks into such an incredible cloud that the train disappeared as soon as it crossed my path. The flurry continued with the train and I was never able to see it again.

I�ve been using the same alarm clock for months now, but only today discovered a hidden feature of it. I�m the sort of person who hits snooze a lot before waking up. Actually, I pick up the alarm clock after the first buzzer and bring it back to bed with me. Then with each round of snoozing it�s already in my hand for easy access.

I�ve been annoyed for a while that the button seems incredibly hard to push. I have to press it hard or hit it multiple times to get the alarm to stop. This morning was I cognizant enough to realize that the amount of times it has to be pressed is increased by one every time you hit snooze. So on the fourth round; you have to press it four times to silence it.

I hope that this is true, and not just some sort of sleepy-time hallucination.

Apparently this was something I made up in my dreamy state. It’s Meredith’s alarm clock and she said it definitely doesn’t do what I’ve described. Rather than being so awake that I was able to discover this, I was really so sleepy that I made it up.



mmm…redesign that builds on the rad-ness of the old….

Posted by: jim on February 1, 2004 3:05 PM

i, too, like the re-design. it’s more functional (i can see what the previous posts were about).

Posted by: miguel on February 1, 2004 6:09 PM

There is some sort of black magic that goes along with snooze button and alarm clocks. Every morning my alarm clock gets farther and farther away, and I swear it gets quiter every time I hit that snooze. I set my alarm clock early for ample alotted snooze sleeping. It takes me waking up at least 3 times until I can finally wake up enough to stand up, yet alone figure out what the hell I’m supposed to be doing. I’ll never understand how some people can just get right up at at it.

Posted by: Brendan on February 2, 2004 11:26 AM

Well done on the re-design! Much more functional, and I am way into the added cooper black elements. How did you find the time?

Posted by: ivo on February 2, 2004 11:44 AM

Thanks — I’m glad you like the redesign. I’ll make a post about it soon. I was so busy getting it done that I didn’t have time to actually post about it.

Posted by: simon on February 2, 2004 5:50 PM

sorry about that alarm clock myth. i just hate to crush your dreams.

Posted by: meredith on February 2, 2004 9:16 PM

Ditto. I like the new. It keeps the same functionality in a new shell.

Posted by: Naz on February 2, 2004 9:29 PM

As far as who can tell?

Chicago, IL

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